Selected papers
Sela, I., & Appelbaum, SW. (1962). Occurrence of antiviral factor in virus-infected plants. Virology 17: 543-548.
Nitzany, FE., & Sela, I. (1962). Interference between cucumber mosaic virus and tobacco mosaic virus on different hosts. Virology 17: 549-553.
Sela, I., Harpaz, I., & Birk, Y. (1964). Separation of a highly active antiviral factor from virus-infected plants. Virology 22: 446-451.
Sela, I., Harpaz, I., & Birk, Y. (1965). Suppression of virus infectivity in diseased plant tissue following treatments with an antiviral factor from virus-infected plants. Virology 25: 80-82.
Sela, I., Harpaz, I., & Birk, Y. (1966). Identification of the active component of an antiviral factor from virus-infected plants. Virology 28: 71-78.
Sela, I., & Kaesberg, P. (1969). Cell-free synthesis of tobacco mosaic virus coat protein and its combination with RNA to yield tobacco mosaic virus. �J. Virol. 3: 89-91.
Harpaz, I., Bar-Joseph, M., and Sela, I. (1969). Inhibition of tobacco mosaic virus infectivity by the fungus Thielaviopsis basicola (Berk & Br.) Ferr. Annals Appl. Biol. 64: 57-64.
Sela, I. (1969). Non-requirement of exogenous amino acids for protein synthesis in cell-free systems from plants. Archives Biochem. Biophys. 133: 454-455.
Sela, I. (1969). Fluorescence of nucleic acids with ethidium bromide: An indication of the configurative state of nucleic acids. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 190: 216?219.
Sela, I. (1970). Controlled enzymatic cleavage of TMV-RNA yielding uniform-size fragments. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 138: 323-328.
Sela, I. (1970). Induction of TMV-RNA replicase-like activity in cell-free systems.Virology41: 558-561.
Sela, I., & Marani, A. (1970). Heterogeneity among uniform-size fragments of TMV-RNA.Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 139: 450.
Sela, I. Antignus, Y., & Hauschner, A. (1971). An antiviral factor from virus-infected plants: Standardization of crude preparations for biological assay. Phytopathologie Zeitschrift 70: 345-350.
Antignus, Y., Sela, I., & Harpaz, I. (1971). Species of RNA extracted from Datura plants and their different sensitivity to Actinomycin D. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Comm. 44: 78-88.
Sela, I., & Antignus, Y. (1971). Spectrophotometric determination of nucleic acids and nucleoproteins at the far UV region. Anal. Biochem. 43: 217-226.
Sela, I. (1972). Tobacco-enzyme-cleaved fragments of TMV-RNA specifically accepting serine and methionine. Virology 49: 90-94.
Klein, M., Harpaz, I., Greenberg, A., & Sela, I. (1973). Mosaic disease of maize and sorghum in Israel. Plant Disease Reporter 57: 125-128.
Tanne, E., Sela, I. & harpaz, I. (1974). Transmission of grapevine leafroll virus to herbaceous plants. Phytopathologie zeitschrift 80: 176-180.
Cohen, S. Eisenberg, M., & Sela, I. (1974). Antiviral effect of a factor from TMV-infected plants on the inoculativity of insect vector. Phytoparasitica 2: 13-18.
Sela, I. & Hauschner, A. (1975). Isolation and characterization of a TMV-RNA depended enzyme from TMV-infected leaves. Virology 64: 284-288.
Antignus, Y., Sela, I. & Harpaz, I. (1975). A phosphorous-containing fraction associated with antiviral activity in Nicotiana spp. carrying the gene for localization of infection. Physiol. Plant Pathol. 6: 159?168.
Littauer, U.Z., Salmon, R., Soreq, H., Fleischer, G., & Sela, I. (1975). Characterization of the amino acylated region at the 3' terminus of TMV-RNA. Proceedings of the 10th FEBS meeting. 133?139.
Salmon, R., Sela, I., Giveon, D., and Littauer, U.Z. (1976). Enzymatic acylation of histidine to TMV-RNA. Virology 71: 78-84.
Sela, I., Grossberg, S.E., Mehler, A.H., & Sedmak, J.J. (1976). Discharge of aminoacyl viral RNA by a factor from interferon-treated cells. Science 194: 527-529.
Tanne, E., Sela, I., Klein, M., & Harpaz, I. (1977). Purification and characterization of a virus associated with grape leafroll disease. Phytopathology 64: 442?447.
Antignus, Y., Sela, I., & Harpaz, Y. (1977). Further studies on the biology of an antiviral factor (AVF) from virus-infected plants and its association with the N?gene of Nicotianaspecies. J. Gen. Virol. 35: 107?116.
Mozes, R., Antignus, Y., Harpaz, I., & Sela, I. (1978). The chemical nature of an antiviral factor (AVF)� from virus-infected plants. J. Gen. Virol. 38: 241?249.
Sela, I., Hauschner, A., & Mozes, R. (1978). The mechanism of stimulation of the antiviral factor (AVF) in Nicotiana leaves. Virology 89: 1?6.
Sela, I., Assouline, I., Tanne, E., Cohen, S. & Marco, S. (1981). isolation and characterization of a rod-shaped whitefly-transmissible DNA-containing plant virus.Phytopathology 70: 226-228.
Sela, I., Mozes, R., Devash, Y., & Hauschner, A. (1979). AVF-an interferon-like factor from virus-infected plants. In: Interferon: Properties and clinical uses. Eds: A. Khan Nill, & G.L. Dorn. Wadely Institute of Molecular Medicine, Dallas, Texas, U.S.A.
Vogel, I., Bud, H., & Sela, I. (1980). Ultrastructural studies of partially solubilized polyhedral inclusion bodies of baculovirus infecting Spodoptora litoralis (Boisduval). Archives Virol. 66: 371?376.
Devash, Y., Hauschner, A., Sela, I., & Chakraburtty, K. (1981). The antiviral factor (AVF) from virus-infected plants induces discharge of histidinyl?TMV?RNA. Virology 111: 103?112.
Sela, I. (1981). Plant-virus interactions related to resistance and localization of viral infections. Advances in Virus Research 26: 201-237.
Sela, I. (1981). Interferon-like factor from virus-infected plants. Perspectives in Virology11: 129-139.
Sela, I. (1981). Antiviral factors from virus-infected plants. Trends inBiochemical Sciences (TIBS) 6: 31-33.
Orchansky, P., Rubinstein, M., & Sela, I. (1982). Human interferons protect plants from virus infection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 79: 2278?2280.
Rosenberg, N., Pines, M., & Sela, I. (1982). Adenosine 3':5' cyclic monophosphate - its release in higher plants by an exogenous stimulus as detected by radioimmunoassay. FEBS letters 137: 105-107.
Devash, y., Biggs, S., & Sela, I. (1982). Multiplication of tobacco mosaic virusin tobacco leaf-disks is inhibited by (2'-5') oligoadenylate. Science216: 1415?1416.
Gat-Edelbaum, O., Altman, A., & Sela, I. (1983). Polyionosinic:polycitidylic acid in association with cyclic nucleotides activate the antiviral factor (AVF) in plant tissues. J. Gen. Virol. 64: 211-214.
Reichman, M., Devash, Y., Suhadolnik, R.J., & Seal, I. (1983). Human leukocyte interferon and the antiviral factor (AVF) from virus-infected plants stimulate plant tissues to produce nucleotides with antiviral activity. Virology 128: 240?244.
Sela, I. (1983). Antiviral activities in plants. Naturwissenschaften 70: 359.
Sela, I., Reichman, M., & Weissbach, A. (1984). Comparison of dot molecular hybridization and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for detecting tobacco mosaic virus in plant tissues and protoplasts. Phytopathology 74: 385-389.
Devash, Y., Gera, A., Reichman, M., Pfleiderer, W., Chrubala, R., Sela, I., & Suhadolnik, R.J. (1984). 5'-dephosphorylated 2'-5'-adenylate and its analogs: Inhibition of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) replication in TMV-infected leaf-discs, protoplasts and intact tobacco plants. J. Biol. Chem. 259: 3482?3486.
Sela, I. (1984). Interferon-like peptides in plants. In: Antiviral Drugs &Interferon: The Molecular Basis of Their Activity. Ed: Y. Becker. Martinus Nijhoff, Boston. pp. 335?356.
Rosenberg, N., Reichman, M., Gera, A., & Sela, I. (1985). Antiviral activity of natural and recombinant human leukocyte interferon in tobacco protoplasts. Virology 140: 173-178.
Devash, y., Reichman, M., Sela, I., & Suhadolnik, R.J. (1985). Oligoadenylates: enzymatic synthesis, isolation and biological activity. Biochemistry 24: 593-599.
Sela, I. (1986). Preparation and measurement of an antiviral protein found in tobacco cells after infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Methods inEnzymology 119: 734?744.
Sela, I. (1986). Assay of effect of human interferons on tobacco protoplasts. Methods in Enzymology 119: 744?752.
Devash, Y., Sela, I., & Su, R.J. (1986). Enzymatic synthesis of plant oligoadenylates in vitro. Methods in Enzymology 119: 752?758.
Bensimon, A., Singer, S., Gerassi, E., Harpaz, I., & Sela, I. (1987). "Dark Cheeks", a lethal disease of locust provoked by a Lepidepterous baculovirus. J. Invertebrate Pathol. 50: 254?260.
Sela, I. (1987). Genetic traits to be manipulated in plants for virus disease resistance. In: Innovative Approaches to Plant Disease Control (ed: I. Chet). John Wiley & Sons, 325?335.
Sela, I., Grafi, G., Sher, N., Edelbaum, O., Yagev, H., & Gerassi, E. (1988). Resistance systems related to the N gene and their comparison to interferon. In: Plant Resistance to Viruses. Wiley & Sons. pp. 109?119.
Ballas, N., Zakai, N., Sela, I., & Loyter, A. (1988). Lyposome bearing a quartenary ammonium detergent as an efficient vehicle for functional transfer of TMV-RNA into plant protoplasts. Biochem. Biophys. Acta 939: 8?18.
Tanne, E., Naveh, L., & Sela, I. (1989). Serological and molecular evidence for the complexity of the leafroll disease of grapevine. Plant Pathol. 38: 183?189.
Karchi, M., Sela, I., Edelbaum, O., Ori, A., Raccah, B., Rosner, A., & Stram, Y. (1990). Cloning and mapping of the potato virus Y genome and its in vitro expression. Virus Genes 4: 215-224.
Livneh, O., Nagler, Y., Gafni, Y., Tal, Y. Ben-Harusch, S., & Sela, I. (1990). RFLP analysis of a hybrid cultivar of pepper (Capsicum annum) and its use in distinguishing between parental lines in hybrid identification. Seed Science & Technology 18: 209?214.
Edelbaum, E., Ilan, N., Grafi, G., Sher, N., Stram, Y., Novick, D., Tal, N., Sela, I. & Rubinstein, M. (1990). Purification and characterization of two antivirally active proteins from tobacco by monoclonal antibodies to human b -interferon. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A.87: 588?592.
Sher, N., Edelbaum, O., Barak, Z., Stram, Y., & Sela, I. (1990). Induction of an ATP-polymerizing enzyme in TMV-infected tobacco and its homology to human 2'-5' A synthetase. Virus Genes 4: 27?39.
Grafi, G., Meller, E., Sher, N., & Sela, I. (1991). Characterization of S1/Mung?Bean?type nuclease activity in plant cell suspension. Plant Science 74: 107?114.
Edelbaum, O., Sher, N., Rubinstein, M., Novick, D., Tal, N., Moyer, M., Ward, E., Ryals, J., & Sela, I. (1991). Two antiviral proteins, gp35 and gp22, correspond to b-1,3-glucanase and an isoform of PR-5. Plant Molecular Biology 17: 171-173.
Stram, Y., Chetsrony, A., Karchi, H., Karchi, M., Edelbaum, O., Vardi, E., Livneh, O., & Sela, I. (1992). Expression of the "helper component" protein of potato virus Y (PVY) in E. coli: Possible involvement of a third protease. Virus Genes 7: 151?156.
Stram, Y., Sela, I., Edelbaum, O., Tanne, E., Karchi, M., & Karchi, H. (1992). Expression and assembly of the potato virus Y (PVY) coat protein in E. coli cells. Virus Research 28: 29?35.
Livneh, O., Vardi, E., Stram, Y., Edelbaum, O., & Sela, I. (1992). The conversion of a RFLP assay into PCR for the determination of purity in a hybrid pepper cultivar.Euphytica 62: 97?102.
Edelbaum, O., Stein, D., Holland, N., Gafni, Y., Livneh, O., Novick, D., Rubinstein, M., & Sela, I. (1992). Expression of active human interferon-b in transgenic plants. J. Interferon Res. 12: 449?453.
Vardi, E., Sela, I., Edelbaum, O., Livneh, O., Kuznetsova, L., & Stram, Y., (1993). Plants transformed with a cistron of a potato virus Y protease (NIa) are resistant to virus infection. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 90: 7513?7517.
Grafi, G., Sela, I., & Galili, G. (1993). Translational regulation of human beta interferon mRNA: Association of the 3' AU-rich sequence with the poly(A) tail reduces translation efficiency in vitro. Mol. Cell. Biol. 13: 3487?3493.
Dax, E., Livneh, O., Edelbaum,O., Kedar, N., Gavish, N., Karchi, H., Milo, J., Sela, I., & Rabinowitch, H.D. (1994). A random-amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) molecular marker for the Tm-2a gene in tomato.Euphytica 74: 159-163.
Sela, I. (1994). Legal protection of living organisms from the point of view of scientists in plant breeding. In: Patenting of Human Genes and Living Organisms. Eds: Vogel, F., and Grunwald, R. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 76-78.
Livneh, O., Edelbaum, O., Kuznetsova, L., Livne, B., Vardi, E., Sela, I., and Stram, Y. (1995). Plants transformed with the first (nonstructural) three cistrones of potato virus Y (PVY) are resistant to PVY infection. Transgenics 1: 565-571
Mozes-Koch, R., Gerson, U., and Sela, I. (1995). Identification of Hirsutella species isolates within a species and intraspecific heterokaryons by random amplified polymerphic DNA (RAPD). J. Plant Diseases and Protection 102:284-290.
Nur, T., Sela, I., and Madar, Z. (1995). Starvation and refeeding regulate glycogen synthase gene expression in rat liver at the post-transcriptional level. J. of Nutrition125:2457-2462.
Sela, I. (1996). Engineered Viruses in Agriculture. In: Engineered Organisms in Environmental Setting, Biotechnological and Agricultural Applications. Eds: M.A. Levin & E. Israeli. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 107-148.
Rubinson, E., Galiakparov, N., Radian, S., Sela, I., Tanne, E., and Gafni, R. (1997). Serological detection of grapevine virus A using antiserum to a nonstructural protein, the putative movement protein. Phytopatology 87:1041-1045.
Livne, B., Faktor, O., Zeitoune, S., Edelabaum, O., & Sela, I. (1997). TMV-induced expression of tobacco b-glucanase promoter activity is mediated by a single, inverted, GCC motif. Plant Science 130:159-169.
Dax, E., Livneh, O., Aliskevicius, E., Edelbaum, O., Kedar, N., Gavish, N., Milo, J., Grffen, F., Blumenthal, A., Rabinowich, H.D. & Sela, I. (1998). A SCAR marker linked to the ToMV resistance gene, Tm22, in tomato. Euphytica 101:73-77.
Zeitoune, S., Livneh, O., Kuznetsova, L., Stram, Y. and Sela, I. (1999). T7 RNA polymerase drives transcription of a reporter gene from T7 promoter but engenders post-transcriptionsal silencing of expression. Plant Science 141:59-65.
Blumenthal, A., Kuznetzova, L., Edelbaum, O., Raskin, V., Levy, M., and Sela, I. (1999). Measurements of GFP fluorescence in plants: quantification, correlation to expression, rapid screening and differential gene expression. Plant Science 142:93-99.
S. Orenstein, A. Franck, L. Kuznetzova, I. Sela and E. Tanne (1999). Association of Phytoplasmas With a Yellows Disease of Carrot in Israel. J. Plant Pathol. 81:193-199.
Galiakparov, N., Tanne, E., Sela, I. and Gafny, R. (1999). Infectious RNA transcripts from grapevine virus A cDNA clone. Virus Genes 19:235-242.
Sade-Radian, S., Perl, A., Edelbaum, O., Kuznetzova, L., Gafni, R., Sela, I., and Tanne, E. (2000). Transgenic Nicotiana benthamiana and grapevine plants transformed with grapevine virus A (GVA) sequences. Phytoparasitica 28:79-86
Wang. Q., Gafni, R., Sahar, N., Sela,I., Mawassi, M., Tanne, E., and Perl, A. (2002). Cryopreservation of grapevine (Vitis Vinifera L.) embryonic cell suspensions and subsequent plant regeneration by encapsulation-dehydration. Plant Science 162: 551-558.
Galiakparov, N., Tanne, E., Sela, I. and Gafny, R. (2003). Functional analysis of the grapevine virus A genome. Virology 306: 42-50..
Galiakparov, N., Tanne, E., Mawassi, M., Gafny, R., and Sela, I. (2003) ORF 5 of grapevine virus A encodes a nucleic acid-binding protein and affects pathogenesis. Virus Genes 27:257-262.
Wang, Q., Mawassi, M., Gafny, R., Sela, I. and Tanne, E. (2003) Elimination of grapevine virus A from grapevines by cryopreservation. Plant Science 165: 321-327.
Melamed, S., Tanne, E., Ben-Haim, R., Yogev, D., and Sela, I. (2003) Identification and characterization of phytoplasmal genes, employing a novel method of isolating phytoplasmal genomic DNA. J. Bacteriol. 185:6513-6521.
Rogel A, Benvenisti L, Sela I, Edelbaum O, Tanne E, Shachar Y, Zanberg Y, Gontmakher T, Khayat E, Stram Y. (2003). Vaccination with E. coli recombinant empty viral particles of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) confer protection. Virus Genes 27:169-175.
Levy, M., Edelbaum, E., and Sela, I. (2004). Tobacco mosaic virus regulates the expression of its own resistance gene N. Plant physiology 135:1-6.
Tanne E., and Sela, I. (2005). Occurrence of a DNA sequence of anon-retro RNA virus in the host plant genome and its expression: Evidence for recombination between viral and host RNAs. Virology 332: 614-622.
Maori, E., Tanne, E., and Sela, I. (2007). Reciprocal sequence exchange between non-retro viruses and hosts leading to the appearance of new host phenotypes. Virology 362: 342-349.
Rotem, N., Shemesh, E., Pertez, Y., Akad, F., Edelbaum, O., Rabinowitch, H. D., Sela, I., Kamenetsky, R. (2007). Reproductive development and phenotypic differences in garlic are associated with expression and splicing of LEAFY homologous gaLFY. J. Experimental Botany 58: 1133-1141.
Peretz. Y., Mozes-Koch, R., Akad, F., Tanne, E., Czosnek, H., and Sela, I. A universal Expression/Silencing Vector in Plants (2007). Plant Physiology 145:1251-1263.
Maori, E., Lavi, S., Mozes-Koch, R., Gantman, Y., l Peretz, Y., Edelbaum, O., Tanne, E. and Sela, I. (2007).Isolation and characterization of IAPV, a dicistrovirus affecting honeybees in Israel: evidence for diversity due to intra- and inter-species recombination.J. Gen. Virol.88: 3428-3438.
Peretz, Y., Levy, M., Avisar, E. Edelbaum, O., Rabinowitch, H, and Sela, I. (2008). A T7-driven silencing system in transgenic plants expressing T7 RNA polymerase is a nuclear process. Transgenic Resaerch 17:665-694.
Maori, E., Paldi, N., Shafir, S., Kalev, H., Tsur, E., Glick, E. And Sela, I. (2009). IAPV, a Bee-Affecting Virus Associated with Colony Collapse Disorder Can Be Silenced by dsRNA Ingestion. Insect Molecular Biology. 18: 55-60.
Hunter, W., Ellis, J., vanEngelsdorp, D., Hayes, J., Westervelt, D., Glick, E., Williams, M., Sela, I., Maori, E., Pettis, J., Cox-Foster, D., Paldi, N. (2011). Large-Scale Field Application of RNAi Technology Reducing Israeli Acute Paralysis Virus Disease in Honey Bees (Apis mellifera, Hymenoptera: Apidae). PLoS Pathog 6(12): e1001160. doi:10.1371/journal.ppat.1001160
Rotem, N., David-Schwartz, R., Peretz, Y., Sela, I., Rabinowitch, H.D., Flaishman, M. and Kamenetzky, R. (2011).. Flower development in garlic: the ups and downs of gaLFYexpression. Planta 233: 1063-1072.
Peretz, Y., Eybishtz, A. and Sela, I. (2011). Silencing of ORFs C2 and C4 of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus engenders resistant or tolerant plants. The Open Virology J. 5:141-147.
Mozes-Koch, R., Gover, O., Tanne, E., Peretz, Y., Maori, E., Chernin, L., Sela I.(2012). Expression of an Entire Bacterial Operon in Plants. Plant Physiol. 158:1883-1892.
Garbian, Y., Maori, E., Kalev, H., Shafir, S. and Sela I (2012). Bidirectional Transfer of RNAi between Honey bee and Varroa destructor: Varroa Gene Silencing Reduces Varroa Population. PLoS Pathogens. 8: e1003035.
Gover, O., Peretz, Y., Mozes-Koch, R., Maori, E., Rabinowitch, H, Sela, I. (2014). Only minimal regions of Tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV) are required for replication, expression and movement. Archives of Virology, 159: 2263-2274.
Review papers and chapters in books (some are included also in the list above).
Sela, I. (1981). Plant-virus interactions related to resistance and localization of viral infections. Advances in Virus Research 26: 201-237.
Sela, I. (1981). Antiviral factors from virus-infected plants. Trends in Biochemical Sciences (TIBS) 6: 31-33.
Sela, I. (1983). Antiviral activities in plants. Naturwissenschaften 70: 359.
Sela, I. (1984). Interferon-like peptides in plants. In: Antiviral Drugs & Interferon: The Molecular Basis of Their Activity. Ed: Y. Becker. Martinus Nijhoff, Boston. pp. 335?356.
Sela, I. (1986). Preparation and measurement of an antiviral protein found in tobacco cells after infection with tobacco mosaic virus. Methods in Enzymology 119: 734?744.
Sela, I. (1986). Assay of effect of human interferons on tobacco protoplasts. Methods in Enzymology 119: 744?752.
Devash, Y., Sela, I., & Su, R.J. (1986). Enzymatic synthesis of plant oligoadenylates in vitro. Methods in Enzymology 119: 752?758.
Sela, I. (1987). Genetic traits to be manipulated in plants for virus disease resistance. In: Innovative Approaches to Plant Disease Control (ed: I. Chet). John Wiley & Sons, 325?335.
Sela, I. (1994). Legal protection of living organisms from the point of view of scientists in plant breeding. In: Patenting of Human Genes and Living Organisms. Eds: Vogel, F., and Grunwald, R. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg. pp. 76-78.
Sela, I. (1996). Engineered Viruses in Agriculture. In: Engineered Organisms in Environmental Setting, Biotechnological and Agricultural Applications. Eds: M.A. Levin & E. Israeli. CRC Press, Boca Raton, 107-148.