Shai Morin
Horowitz, R. PI, Denholm I. PI and Morin, S. PI (2007). Resistance to insecticides in the TYLCV vector, Bemisia tabaci. In "Tomato Yellow Leaf Curl Virus Disease: Management, Molecular Biology and Breeding for Resistance", Czosnek, H. Ed., Springer, Dordrecht, the Netherlands. pp. 305-325.
M.Sc Open Positions
Open M.Sc. position – 'Utilizing RNA interference for developing insect-proof plants'.
If you are interested in combining plant molecular engineering and ecology into one experimental system – we are the place for you!!!
Curriculum Vitae
1988-1991 B.Sc., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Medicine.
1992-1995 M.Sc., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Pathogen-Vector-Interaction, Supervisor: Prof. Hanokh Czosnek.
1995-2000 Ph.D., Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment, Pathogen-Vector-Interaction, Supervisor: Prof. Hanokh Czosnek.
Teaching Areas:
'Biometry and Experimental Analysis' (M.Sc. and Ph.D.):
Course aims:
Learning the principles and practice of statistics in biological research
Prof. Shai Morin
The laboratory's research interests are in ecological and evolutionary genetics, as they relate specifically to insect-plant and insect-environment interactions. We combine ecological and genomic tools in order to understand the molecular mechanisms underlying insect adaptation to biotic and a-biotic environmental constrains: synthetic insecticides, plant defensive chemistry and more recently, climate changes.
Prof. Shai Morin
Ecological and evolutionary genetics, insect-plant and insect-environment interactions.