Ephraim Cohen

Selected publications

Selected publications

Cohen, E. 1987. Chitin biochemistry: Synthesis and inhibition. Annu. Rev. Entomol. 32, 71-93.

Cohen, E., G. B. Quistad and J. E. Casida, 1966. Cytotoxicity of nimbolide, epoxyazadiradione and other limonoids from neem insecticide. Life Sci. 58, 1075-1081.

Cohen, E., T. Joseph and M. Wasserman-Golan, 2001. Photostabilization of biocontrol agents by berberine. Intern. J. Pest Manag. 47, 63-67.



  • Introduction to Pest Control
  • Chemical Control of Pests
  • Toxicology of Pesticides



Selected Publications 
Representing Research Activities

  • Cohen, E. and Casida, J. E. 1980. Properties of Tribolium gut chitin synthetase. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 13: 121-128.
  • Cohen, E. and Casida, J. E. 1980. Inhibition of Tribolium gut chitin synthetase. Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. 13: 129-136.
  • Cohen, E. 1982. In vitro chitin synthesis in an insect: formation and structure of microfibrils. Europ. J. Cell Biol. 16: 289-294.


Research Interests

  • Chitin biochemistry
  • Genes coding for chitin synthase in insects
  • Photostabilization of biocontrol agents
  • Resistance and resistance management of insect pests
  • Biochemical mechanisms of resistance in insect pests
  • Biological clocks and circadian rhythms in insects


Curriculm Vita


  • B.Sc. (1962) Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University.
  • M.Sc. (1964) Faculty of Agriculture, the Hebrew University.
  • Ph.D. (1970) Dept. of Organic Chemistry, the Hebrew University.
  • Postdoc (1971-1972) Dept. of Biological Sciences, Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois.

Academic degrees and appointments:

  • 1972 Lecturer -Tel Aviv University
  • 2000-2003 Head Dept. of Entomology